La Noche de Walpurgis Code by CodyJarrett ------------------- 180240: Allows access to all the levels. Hints and Spanish to English translations by Andreas ---------------------------------------------------- *** IMPORTANT! *** When you are holding an item in your hands, and want to pick up a new item, you *MUST* always return the old one back to where you got it from, otherwise the "Pick up" button will be blocked! List of ingredients you have to bring the wizard: 1. el Medallón de la Vida e la Muerte - the Medal of Life and Death 2. algún objeto que haya pertenecido a Tarod ... (anything that once belonged to Tarod) [==> SOLUTION: HINT 1] 3. ojos de murciélago - the "eyes of a bat" [==> SOLUTION: HINT 2] 4. vino añejo - mature wine [==> SOLUTION: HINT 3] 5. una araña - a spider [found at the grandfather's!] ----------------------- [at the grandfather's:] ----------------------- - Que arañas mas bonitas! (What a nice crowd of spiders you got there!) - Te gustan? Yo tengo un problema de convivencia con ellas... (You like my babies? Well, there is a problem living together with them... either they or me!) - ¿Qué puedo hacer para ayudarte? (So, what can I do to help you?) - Podrías traerme unos polvos que guarda la loca. (You could bring me some sorts of powders able to tame the lunatics.) - A mi no me quiere dar, Total, por un sustito de nada que le di cuando era joven - ¿No tendrías un poco de vino? (Do you have a little bit of wine for me?) Te daré el vino que deseas si me ayudas a acabar con las arañas (I will give you the wine if you help me with the spider problem) - Vuelve cuando quieras. (Come back anytime you want to.) ------------------ [at the grocer's:] ------------------ canela - cinnamon tila - blossom tea manzanilla - camomile tea vino de la casa - selfmade wine matarratas - raticide marmita - clay jug marmita en oferta - "nice-price" clay jug [-> trying to take the jug without paying <-] Verás, te lo daría pero ultimamente han subido los impuestos... Well, I'd like to give it to you but taxes have risen a lot all of a sudden... [-> trying to take the aphrodisiac <-] ¡Oye no toques eso! Hey! Do not touch that! [-> trying to buy the selfmade wine <-] Es un regalo. This is a present. ------------------ [at the wizard's:] ------------------ Espero que el Pegaso se halla bien contigo. I hope that the Pegasus is in good shape. Cuando te vi colgado de aquella liana pensé: Julioföld, ayúdale! When I saw you hanging on that vine, I thought: Julioföld, go and help him! Así que mande al Pegaso para que te trajera sano y salvo So Pegasus told me that he brought you here safely and soundly ¡Ahora presta atención! Tenemos poco tiempo, debemos destruirle. But now listen carefully! We only have little time, and we must destroy it. Sé que Tamakh se apareció en tus sueños rogándote ayuda. I know that Tamakh had appeared in your dreams, asking you for help. Pero debes saber que tus amigos son las fuerzas del mal y tu enemigo es él But you must know that your "friends" are actually the powers of evil and they are your enemies. El mal no desea que sea liberado. Conoce demasiado las artes arcanas y tiene el suficiente poder para absorberles toda su energía. The evil do not wish to be liberated. They know too much about the dark arts, and have the powers sufficient to absorb all of their energy. No sé que pasaría si Tamakh consiguiera esa energía... I have no idea about what would happen if Tamakh really managed to obtain that energy... Piensa en lo que te he dicho cuando debas liberarle o ... matarle. { It thinks about which I have said when you must liberate him or... kill him.} Y ahora a lo nuestro, tendrás que atravesar el cementerio viviente. And now to our task: You will be required to cross the living cemetery. Necesitárias mucho poder para destruir a las criaturas que allí habitan. There will be necessary a lot of power to destroy all those creatures which inhabit there. Sólo hay una forma de conseguir ese poder...¡Hablar con TAROD! There is only ONE way to obtain these speak with TAROD! Necesitaremos hacer una poción para que puedas ponerte en contacto con él We will be required to brew a potion you can use on him in close encounter. -------------------------------------- [at the witch's hut (TAROD's mother):] -------------------------------------- ¿Quién eres tu? ¿No serás del manicomio? Who are you? You are not from the manicomio, are you? Verás, ya sé que ultimamente me he portado un poco mal pero es que me hijo ¡me ha hablado! Tengo que hacer cosas... Well, I must say I have been feeling a little unwell recently but whatever, my son has been speaking to me! Sometimes, there are things happening to me ... oh boy. Alguien quiere utilizarlo y mi pequeñín tiene miedo. Someone wants to use it and my little darling is so scared. Siempre que puedo voy a verle a la tumba... y cuando no puedo ... ¡él viene a verme a casa! Whenever I can, I go visiting his tomb...and when I cannot...he would visit me at my house! ME: Creo que alguien ha profanado la tumba I figure someone has devastated the tomb... ¡Voy enseguida a verlo, como le pesque! What? I will immediately go and take a look at it! ------------- [at the pub:] ------------- taburete - stool jarra vacia - empty beer jug jarra semivacia - half-empty beer jug jarra semillena - half-full beer jug éxtasis - ecstasy?! revientalobos - { an aperitif, literally: "to make the wolves come back" } nectar de ron - nectar of rum retrato - portrait aguardiente - rotgut / booze [talking to the "borracho apestoso" {smelly drunkard}] - ¿No tendrías algo de comida? (Do you have something to eat for me?) Soy pobre, no se nota. (I'm poor, not well-off.) - ¿Conoces el jabón? (Do you know about the use of soap?!) El herrero me hace cavar cuando muere alguien...mientras el está consolando a la viuda. No es justo... (The blacksmith lets me dig if someone dies... while he is giving consolation for the widow. This is not fair. People pay to him as he is the terror-maker of this town. Nor does he give soap to me! - ¿Porqué està ese cuadro al revés? (Why is this picture upside-down?) Supongo que conocerás la leyenda que se cierne sobre este pueblo (I suppose you know about the legend that is spread about this town?) Ya veo que no es así! (Hah, I see you don't!) Ocurrió hace un par de años. El joven Tarod fue aceptado como aprendiz (It happened a couple of years ago. The young Tarod was accepted as an apprentice for a powerful wizard.) Nadie sabe porque murió. (No one knows why he died.) Aunque la gente murmura que el alma de Tarod no descansa aún, y vaga por estos parajes en busca de un poco de magía que le haga revivir (Although people spread the rumor that Tarod's soul did not yet find its rest, they search these places to find a little magic that can resurrect him again.) El curandero nos dijo que poniendo imagen al revés se le prohibe (The healer said the other way around to us that putting image him would prohibit him the entrance to this place) Como ves, paparruchas de gente incivilizada y anticuada As you can see, boatloads of uncivilized and old-fashioned people. [talking to the bartender] - Hombre, por fin un cliente, toma asiento y pídeme lo que quieras Hello sir, finally a client! Please take a seat and demand what you like to drink. Como ves hay comida en abundancia y bebida en cantidad... As you can see, there is food and drinks in abundance... Y ahora he bajado el precio de los productos... And now I have lowered the prices of food and drinks... Parece ser que no tienes hambre. Seguramente serás uno de esos aventureros que buscan fama y fortuna, Pues hazme caso joven... It seems you are not hungry at all. Certainly you are one of those adventurers seeking fame and fortune. ... ¡Yes you DO need food and drinks! - ¿No tendrías algo de comida? (Do you have something to eat for me?) - Si quieres comer debes pagar como todos. (If you want to eat something, you must pay for it like everybody else does.) - ¿Qué no hay vino? (What?! You don't have any wine?) - Dame un trago, estoy sediento (Give me a mouthful, I am thirsty) No puedo darte nada, me he quedado sin vino (I can't give you anything, as I'm out of wine!) Hombre, si quieres probar del que bebe JoseFöld... (Dude, if you really want to have a JoseFöld... [although I think that your stomach probably won't survive this!]) Ultimamente el granjero no me quiere vender vino Lastly, the farmer does not want to sell me any more wine. It seems he has a problem with some animals I do not know about. ---------------------- [at the blacksmith's:] ---------------------- Bienvenido al pueblo de Rutföld, me llamo Toloföld. Welcome at the Rutföld's house - my name is Toloföld. Siento que esto esté tan desordenado, pero ultimamente tengo mucho trabajo. I feel that I'm not with it today, but anyway: I have a lot of work to do. La gente como tu, aventurera, me hace recordar mi infancia. People like you, adventurer, always remind me of my childhood. Pero supongo que no querrás oir una absurda historia infantil But yet I suppose you do not want to hear an absurd childhood history, do you? Estoy seguro que lo que deseas ahora mismo es una espada de acero o... I'm quite sure that the thing you actually want right now is a steel sword or perhaps a good silver knife? Siento haberte molestado It seems I have bothered you. Da igual, total no tengo otro juego adonde ir Doesn't matter, in total I do not have another game where to go to... martillo - sledgehammer bote lacrado - sealed can llaves maestras - large keys NOTE: Both the sealed can and the large keys are for SALE only, so you'll need to BUY them. [-> ---------------------- [at the tomb:] ---------------------- cerradura - security lock vela - candle losa - stone plate (the note reads:) Esto está adquiriendo unos tintes de vandalismo. (This place has been adumbrated by the dark colors of vandalism.) Si tiene que entrar, pida la llave al herrero... (If you really feel the need to enter, please ask the blacksmith for the key.) ----------------- H I N T S ----------------- [HINT 1] he will accept the "pelos descompuestos" [wisp of decomposed hair] found in a well-hidden location at the tomb) [HINT 2] this is nothing else but the can of alleged "food" the farmer will give you after you hand him over the spider poison for the SECOND time) [HINT 3] you will find a lot of wine in the game. the wine needed for the wizard will be in a light red bottle.